Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Confession of Purpose

A Confession of Purpose

How to mend the danger of the single story of time...

"Telling a story from another point of view saves people as-well as ideas."

There are moments when we say that some people have their "inner child" who doesn't age throughout the years. Or say that there are people that  are wise beyond their years. We have all seen the special innocent smile that some elders sometimes wear, and we also have seen the deep and almost sage expression on some of the infants' gazes. When we see those details, they seem to captivate and almost tell an unspotted secret about us. In such times we presence an untold story...
Society is structured by time, everything has  a date and an hour: birthdays, deaths, journeys, breakups, anniversaries. It helps us keep track of events and important things, but more often than not is also constrain us in the form of deadlines, stress and anxiety. People worry about getting older of loosing youth, people worry about  aging and about growing. People tend to forget about those smiles and gazes that once reminded them that there is something bigger and greater than time...
I took the challenge to remind the people about that something, The idea of truing that notion inside-out to the the people is to surprise and innovate by remembering. It is meant to make people see explicitly what in reality is  tacit and veiled. It is a statement about how much real and how much weight our inner presence has and contrast it to the austerity and relativity of time and age with is often weighed and valued blackguards.
The film will be an experience that will bring the viewers closer to their atemporality and immensity. It is an honor for me to provide with the medium and the production of that experience as I know that  reality sometimes portrayed time as  something intimidating, I have dealt too many times with  the idea of the passing of time and its inevitableness, I have seen theres anxiety and even the depression that it brings. By reminding the people that there are some aspects of our being that never seems to be affected and  by highlighting the people that some other aspects are in constant growth through the experiences and enrich our lives,  they can achieve  state of wholeness and empowerment as they  feel an  embrace and a consolation.

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